There are more than 100 ancient documents, including contracts and documents from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, including various land and house sales contracts during the reign of the monarchs of China from the Ming Wanli to the Qing Xuantong and the Republic of China. A piece of a contract of selling oneself deeds, various types of official documents, news of victory, test papers and maps during the Guangxu period were published.
There are more than 100 ancient documents, including contracts and documents from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, including various land and house sales contracts during the reign of the monarchs of China from the Ming Wanli to the Qing Xuantong and the Republic of China. A piece of a contract of selling oneself deeds, various types of official documents, news of victory, test papers and maps during the Guangxu period were published.
Title | Author arrow_drop_up | Year | Type |
陳賦于乾柬 |
陳賦于 | 不詳 | 其他 |
乾隆36年11月曾文祥等立杜賣契 |
曾文祥、曾聯芳 | 1771 | 買賣契 白契 |
歙縣初覆程惟楷試卷 |
程惟楷 | 試卷 | |
道光11年4月程槐三立斷骨絕賣田契 |
程槐三 | 1831 | 買賣契 紅契 |
康熙22年2月20日黃正昌立出當 |
黃正昌 | 1683 | 買賣契 白契 |
順治11年5月黃福壽立佃契 |
黃福壽 | 1654 | 買賣契 白契 |
民國15年4月25日黃維英等立明送山帖 |
黃維英、黃門吳氏 | 1926 | 買賣契 白契 |
民國21年12月19日新會縣政府給廣東國民大學附屬中學江門分校佈告 |
新會縣政府 | 1932 | 公文書 |
民國23年3月7日新會縣政府給大成公司黃俊霖佈告 |
新會縣政府 | 1934 | 公文書 |
雍正2年12月18日楊栁生等立賣田契 |
楊栁生、楊栁叢、楊馮長 | 1724 | 買賣契 白契 |
Showing 51 to 60 of 105 results